Friday, January 7, 2011


Apparently I pushed it too hard yesterday while I was out for a jog. I still want to keep active, so I do intervals of jogging and walking. Usually I work out on the treadmill, but yesterday was so nice I had to go out and enjoy it. But I pushed it a little hard when I was jogging, or more like running. Afterwards, I started getting this cramp in my lower abdomen (where Gobber should be). I was really sore this morning as well. And right now I have started getting a little sick to my stomach. I'm not bleeding so I don't think there's anything really wrong, but I think it may just be a little stretched. I'll just have to remember the next time that I need to take it a little easier.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


My wedding ring finally came in yesterday! Yes, I know... I got married almost a week ago. But we used a different ring. So now I have my real one... it's so pretty! It's a sapphire- yep, not a diamond. I didn't want traditional. Bernie and I aren't traditional... we got pregnant first, then married (not in a church), and it's both our second marriage. The sapphire's a little bigger than I thought it was going to be, and the actual ring is a little big. But I think once I have it sized, it will be nice. And who knows... maybe for an anniversary, I'll ask for a diamond?!

Any way, my plan is to tell my students today that I'm pregnant. There are stories, rumors, and questions going around. So they might as well know. Plus, in the dress I'm in today it's definitely obvious! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Apparently I'm bumpin' this morning. One of my coworkers, Brooke, tells me in the mornings if you can see my baby bump or not. Usually, in the morning it's only a small bump. But by mid-afternoon, it's definitely visible. Two students have already asked Brooke this morning if I'm pregnant. Now that I'm married, I'm not so worried if they find out... I mean, come on, I can only suck in so hard for so long. I might as well be proud that there is a real human growing inside me.

Speaking of which, I got to hear the heartbeat again yesterday at my doctor's appointment. It made me smile! That's my lil' Goober in there. It's so much fun to read about what is growing on or in Goober for the week. This week, Goober's getting vocal cords... all the more better to scream!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ok, so I managed to not update for 2 weeks... not really my intent, but it happened. Christmas got really crazy! I think I had a total of 6 Christmases this year. So between all that and trying to plan a wedding, I didn't have a whole lot of time for anything else.

Bernie and I got married on December 31st at 8 pm. It was a really sweet wedding. We had about 40 people in attendance, including immediate family and close friends. It was so great to have everyone we wanted there!

We decorated the little log cabin with rose petals and red and white lights in the and around the fireplace. We strung lights from the beams on the ceiling. And the tables we decorated with black table clothes, tall white pillar candles, red and white tealights, and red rose petals. It turned out to be very romantic!

Unfortunately we only the weekend for the honeymoon, so we just went up to Oklahoma City for the night. But we had a blast! We spent most of the time just relaxing, but we did manage to go to Zio's for dinner (yummy Italian) and the hotel buffet for breakfast (fantastic)!

Now we just have to manage to get him moved in to the apartment, and we'll officially be married and living together.

Today's been fun telling my students my name has changed. None of them even knew we were engaged! But it's not official yet... I haven't done any of the paper work to legally change my name. Oh well... that will come with time.