Thursday, December 16, 2010

On the 9th day of Christmas...

In honor of the ninth day of Christmas, here's 9 fun Christmas activities I love to do!

9. Wrap presents... some people don't like this, but I love making them look cute!
8. Making Christmas crafts... wreaths, presents, decorations... why buy when you can make?!
7. Christmas shopping... I love finding the right gift for every person on my list!
6. Watch Christmas movies... cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and relax!
5. Go through the Fantasy of Lights... take some hot apple cider, bundle up, and enjoy the lights!
4. Sing carols... I may not have the best voice, but I can belt them out!
3. Drive around looking at lights... it makes me smile and feel like a little kid!
2. Decorate the Christmas tree... even though I haven't done it yet this year!
1. Give presents!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

On the 10th Day of Christmas...

For today's countdown, let's go with the top 10 websites I check daily...

10. Blogspot... have to keep up the blog!
9. The Bump... love the baby news!
8. Damnyouautocorrect... my bestie Jamie told me about this and it's hilarious!!!
7. 1SaleaDay... lots of deals!
6. Woot... gotta love those deals!
5. Target... I love Target!
4. Family Lobby... My family has a website we use to keep in touch!
3. Google... I always need to look for something!
2. CNN... I at least try to stay well informed!
1. Yahoo Mail... I have to keep in touch!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

On the 11th day of Christmas...

So, today is all about the things I want the most for Christmas...

11. To be out of debt!
10. For my family to accept my life!
9. To have a wonderful wedding!
8. To finally decorate the Christmas tree!
7. To not kill a student before the Christmas break!
6. New clothes (but not until the baby's born)!
5. New shoes... a girl can never have too many!
4. MP3 headphones!
3. Bedroom furniture!
2. Gift cards for shopping!
1. A new house!

Monday, December 13, 2010

On the 12th day of Christmas...

With only 12 days till Christmas, I thought I'd have some fun.

Today, 12 things that make me happy!

12. An evening in with pizza and a movie!
11. Feeling good again... no queasiness, no starvation!
10. Trips to the candy store... I'm such a little kid!
9. Sleeping in... gotta love sleep!
8. Working out... I'm an adrenaline junkie!
7. Love... plain and simple!
6. Christmas morning... nothing like waking up to overflowing stockings and lots of smiles!
5. Christmas shopping... I love giving gifts!
4. Looking at Christmas lights!
3. My amazing friends... Jamie, Gretchen, Chris, Brooke, Danny... you know who you are!
2. Spending time with my family!
1. Thinking about my future little one and husband!

Secret Santa

I love Secret Santa... giving and getting! Today, I received a cute mug that has classic book authors on it full of Reese cups and Reese's trees! And I gave my Secret Santa a Santa mug full of chocolate. Who knew the first day is traditionally the candy day?!

I did manage to get several Christmas presents bought this weekend. I think I'm down to just a handful left to buy!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Who knew having sex could really brighten your day? I haven't really felt like being intimate since I don't feel my best, and I'm always tired. But last night we did it! And I woke up this morning feeling great!!!

Plus, we're planning the wedding! I can't wait! I'm actually a little nervous about it. Last time, I had my parents and my ex's parents helping do all the work. Plus, we had 9 months to plan. This time, it's just me and him, and we only have 3 weeks to get it done!

The biggest thing is trying to find a location! I really want to get married under this tree that's all decorated with white lights and huge snowflakes. But we're getting married at 10 pm on New Year's Eve... it's going to be cold! Oh well... we'll find some place to do it!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Feeling it...

Ok, so I woke up this morning and realized I can't suck in the baby pooch. It's there... I'm pregnant. My students haven't said anything, but I'm guessing they are getting suspicious. Either they think I'm pregnant, or I'm just getting fat. Oh well... come January, I won't be able to hide it.

But for once, I'm actually feeling really good. It's already 9:15 and my morning stomachache hasn't started. And I haven't even eaten my morning snack (although that's getting close). I do have a minor headache, but I don't think that one ever actually goes away. Oh well... that's why they make Tylenol!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New and Exciting...

So, I just read through my sister's 2 blogs, and I decided to update mine. I know, I know... there's nothing on here. I created it for a workshop I took over the summer, but I never did anything with it. But that's going to change.

My life has really changed this year. I went from being a married military wife to a divorced single woman. I went from not having many friends to feeling like I've got a ton! And I have a baby on the way. My boyfriend and I are getting married at the end of this month (still not sure how to plan this one). So I feel like I'm starting a brand new life.

My family has really changed this year, as well. I love them to death! My parents have been there for me every step of the way. I know they don't agree with everything that's happened, but they never stopped loving me. Unfortunately, I feel like my relationship with my bro and sis have suffered. I know we are all trying to stay family, but it's been hard. But hanging out with my sis this weekend really made me feel like every thing's going to be ok!

My bff, Jamie, has been amazing! She's always been there for me to talk to, hang out with, stay with, and have dinner with whenever I need her!

As for the baby, I'm trying to be excited about it. But it's a huge change... from having to accept my body gaining weight (not easy for someone who's dealt with an eating disorder) to getting married to a very uncertain future... it's crazy! I never thought my life would end up here, but God doesn't make mistakes. This baby is here for a reason... maybe it's supposed to slow me down, or make me grow up, or settle me... I don't know, but it's coming, ready or not!